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The Affordable Leasehold Homeownership (ALHO) program at Ch’ich’iyúy (401 Jackson Ave.) was created to give people with moderate incomes an opportunity to own real estate and build equity in a market that is often out of reach.
Since this opportunity was launched in late 2021, financial market conditions have changed significantly. Interest rates and inflation are at an all-time high and there is a lack of mortgage options for this unique program. 
Due to these conditions, the Aboriginal Land Trust is no longer able to proceed with the ALHO program at 401 Jackson Ave.  All buyers have been notified and will have their deposit returned in full. If you are a buyer who has questions, please get in touch with us at
While we are disappointed that we cannot move forward with an affordable homeownership program at 401 Jackson Ave, we will look for opportunities to offer it in the future. 
Once the building is complete, all units at 401 Jackson Ave. will be available as affordable rental units. 
We wish to extend our sincerest thanks to everyone who participated in this program in our attempt to bring an affordable homeownership project to Vancouver.